I suppose I should get back to posting once in a while. Given the political void Federally, there are no shortage of topics to pick that provide opportunity for a good rant.
I thought it was about time I wrote a welcome to all who pass through here. This a place for people to come and talk about events, politics, social issues, share some jokes or anything else that doesn't get me in trouble. That's one thing I have always been able to manage by myself, so I don't need help. Thanks anyway.
Our welcome extends across political lines, economic philosophies, religious beliefs, cultural heritages, rivers and lakes and whatever else one might otherwise have to portage in this life. Spirited discussion is very welcome, hate based items are not. If you need to spew, there are other places that thrive on that.
Submitting ones own blog topics is encouraged, submit them to the email address below and I will post everything I can. Don't be shy, what you think matters too.
One last thing, I enjoy satire and you will find a goodly amount of that in my writings and topics, so bear that in mind as you read along. Occasionally, you might even find it amusing.